Pippa Hoover Duo (that’s me and guitarist Gary Adams) have been selected to play at musicSPARK, a part SPARKcon, a Raleigh-based creativity, art and design festival. This grassroots festival runs from September 11-14, and features local artist, performers, and creators from all different disciplines. SPARKcon describes itself as a “creative potluck,” and it looks might tasty to me. Gary and I are super excited to contribute our “dish,” and we hope you’ll stop by to take a taste!
We’re one of the acts for the kickOFF show at The Berkeley Cafe on Thursday, September 11. We go on at 7:00pm, and we’re followed by another band at 8:00pm. We’re one of the first acts in the festival, so after you see us they’ll be plenty of time to explore all the other amazing and talented people who are contributing to the festival.
In musicSPARK, there are 63 local artists and bands participating. They come from all different styles and genres, and will play in various venues scattered throughout Raleigh. The full schedule isn’t available yet, but it will be soon, so keep checking sparkcon.com for updates.
But musicSPARK is just one part of the festival. Here’s a list of all 14 SPARKS to look forward to:
artSPARK, bazaarSPARK, circusSPARK, comedySPARK, danceSPARK, designSPARK, fashionSPARK, filmSPARK, geekSPARK, ideaSPARK, musicSPARK, poetrySPARK, tastySPARK, theatreSPARK
To learn more about each SPARK, check out SPARKcon’s website at http://www.sparkcon.com/